High-impact Interviews with senior executives, industry experts, and military leadership, addressing issues from multiple industries and the military. Keep scrolling down the page for more interviews. We welcome qualified guests. Write: podcasts@stewartcoopercoon.com.

121 – The Value of Hiring Military Leaders in the Civilian Sector – Stewart, #

Companies are begging for good leadership yet, they many times overlook the highly-skilled and trained talent available from senor military leaders. The discussion also looks at how companies can address this lack of experience and how their HR and internal recruiters should be trained to […]

119 – What Business Leaders Can Learn From The Rock n’ Roll Culture – Stewart, #

Rock n’Roll and Business Leadership? The musicians can tell you a lot about team building and cooperation under pressure. So can Wayne Strickland, a former Senior Executive with Hallmark. Fred Coon, CEO of Stewart, Cooper & Coon, has an engaging conversation with Wayne about […]

213 – Job Search Communication Strategies – Stewart, #

Resumes are important. But, are they all you need for a proper job or career transition effort? What role does the cover letter play in the search? What is the key to personal brand integration, including building a value- driven LinkedIn profile, personal website, and other Social Media […]

117 – Sexual Harassment – Accuser vs Accused – Stewart, #

Sexual Harassment is real. Daily, accuser vs accused plays out in small and large corporations across America and in courts. Fred Coon interviews Dennis Niermann, an attorney who has adjudicated 500+ sexual harassment cases, both as an attorney and as an appointed judge. This interview candidly addresses issues surrounding […]

211 – Your Personal Brand – The What, The Why, and The How – Stewart, #

A personal brand is the difference between priority consideration and being another “also ran”.

What are the five components of a personal brand? When the personal brand is developed, how does a job seeker use their personal brand effectively? Andrew Ko, an executive recruiter with the Lucas Group, and […]

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