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By: Fred Coon, Chairman, CEO

There is a huge trend out there called Google+. 13% of U.S. adults are using this social media platform, and for good reason. Researchers at Google+ recently estimated that the numbers on this platform could reach 22%, making it one of the most popular engines behind LinkedIn and Twitter.

Using Google+ is a must for any executive job search. Job seekers have to be on top of the online revolution and this is the newest way to approach the hunt. We talk about the advantages of LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter, but all too often Google+ is getting overlooked.

According to Forbes, Google+ has 20 million visitors per week, and that’s just since they launched their mobile app. It’s extremely user friendly, because you can organize your contacts using circles and its a drag and drop system. People prefer the tactile feel of the layout, and it’s easy to organize.

The options are superbly created for excellent interaction; the layout is simple and easily adjusted to the preferences of the user using their pre-made templates. Google+ allows users to enhance their privacy settings, create a conversation, and have increased visibility online. Creating a blogger site and connecting it to your Google+ page can increase your visibility twofold.

Recruiters, human resource people, and more, are interested in Google+ because they can create real-time hangouts. This application lets you chat with up to nine people easily. You can host a virtual meeting with a potential networking professional to increase you productivity and to work together.

When you are networking on Google+ you have to utilize a “smart search.” This means you need to take the information on the net and sift through the old and current news. In some cases, there won’t be dates associated with the messages or postings. Use Google+ to see exactly when these updates came out.

There are far too many job seekers looking around Facebook and LinkedIn at the same time. How can you create a cohesive presence if you stretch yourself too thin? Take your time – and this time invest in Google+, because it offers valuable networking and job opportunities you won’t find anywhere else.