by Kathy Condon

Each time I head for the beach, the “animals” give me an interesting slant on some concepts that I work hard to explain to us humans. In fact, the three articles I have used to explain a couple of career communication ideas have brought the largest response.

A colleague and I were headed to Long Beach where she was going to do some consulting. I went along for the ride. I told her I have never had a negative experience in the 20 years that I have been going there. Maybe that’s because I get away from the hustle of the business world and step back and really observe how we are all part of a greater whole.

Our first stop was Astoria, Oregon. We sat down for lunch and there in the distance were three very large sea lions playing or hunting for food. Above them circled a great number of seagulls. In two minutes, I had an article in my mind. I said “Paula, they are displaying a great example of networking. With a grin, she said “How’s that?”

Think of it this way; the three large sea lions are the shakers/movers in the community. They are known either publicly or privately as the ones to go to when you want to get something done. They know the players and combine their intelligence and knowledge and spark all kinds of ideas or movement. The seagulls are people looking for jobs.

The Columbia River is very wide in Astoria. There are all kinds of places for fish to hang out. In fact, if you were a seagull, where would you start? There are no islands, and even the wharf is built so buildings are hanging over the edge. You could start diving and “hope” you find a school of fish hanging out. You come home day after day with a meager “little fish” that would work better as a piece of bait at the end of a fisherman’s line. You family needs more nourishment.

In similar fashion a person without a job knows they need to network. They take off and go to all kinds of events “hoping” they will be able to find a new job lead. They haven’t done their research. Their target market has not been identified. They wind up at all kinds of places and fail to find a company looking for a new employee.

Think of the sea lions as the shakers and the movers that live in our community. The sea gulls understand that the sea lions (shakers/movers) have the pulse of where the action is in the river (community). I am not sure how the seagulls gained the wisdom that the sea lions are the key to the “flow of fish” in this expansive river. Word gets around and vast numbers of seagulls fly to a specific part of the river—the same part of the river the sea lions are having a great feast. Their “catch of the day” becomes more than adequate to feed their family.

People searching for jobs can learn about this “flow” in a very simple way. There is not a person around who will say no to a person who calls up and says, “I need some advice. Would you have time for a cup of coffee?” You know what this is called – building relationships. People do business with people they like and know. Successful business people are happy to share advice/experiences. Often it is one or two words they say that brings an “aha” that can have significant impact on your job search.

If you are a person who reads newspapers and business magazines, you have put yourself in the ideal situation to learn who the shakers/movers are in your community. I don’t care if a person says he/she doesn’t want recognition; you will bring a smile to the person’s face if you mention that you read an article with their name or company mentioned. Even if it is an unflattering article, you can put an understanding spin on it. Since I have been the subject of headlines, I have learned that it is far better to mention something than pretend you haven’t heard “the news.”

You attend community events, groundbreakings and press conferences. Then there are the Economic Forecast luncheons, legislative updates and community fundraisers. I don’t know how we got the idea that Presidents and Vice Presidents are untouchable – they are human like us with the same type of emotional needs. They want certainty and variety in their lives. They like feeling significant. They want to keep growing and they want to feel like they are contributing to the community. They are at these events to support and learn just like you.

I’m betting a “sea lion” can lead you to a possible job. Don’t be afraid to ask for help or advice!