High-impact Interviews with senior executives, industry experts, and military leadership, addressing issues from multiple industries and the military. Keep scrolling down the page for more interviews. We welcome qualified guests. Write: podcasts@stewartcoopercoon.com.

Industry Review: Auto Dealers Face Multi-Generational Challenges

What are some of the unique challenges faced by retail automotive businesses in regards to multi-generational management? How have these challenges necessitated working and management adjustments within a multi-generational environment?

Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, sits down with Robert “Rob” Campbell, advisory analyst and dealer consultant for […]

Creating a Cohesive Workplace through Generational Integration

What kind of issues are showing up in the workplace tied to the presence of Millennials? How should employers address the generational gaps that exist within the workplace? What are the primary differences between those of the millennial generation and those from older generations?

Fred Coon, SC&C […]

Improving Employee Mental Health

How might mental health challenges affect work performance? Do employees at all levels present with the same symptoms of impaired mental health? What steps can employers take to support mental well-being in its employees? Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, interviews Dr. Nicole Washington on working with high-profile clients to help […]

Secrets To High-Performing Multi-Generational Teams

Boomers say, “Millenials don’t… ,” and Millennials say, “Boomers feel that I...”; and the managers who must settle this generational conflict are also expected to keep business flowing in a thriving company. Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, interviews Thad Peterson, Sr. Director of Marketing, at The Predicitive Index. […]

Incorporating Mental/Emotional Health Policies to Help Your Employees (& Your Bottom Line)

Besides the obvious reasons, what makes the mental and emotional health of our employees so important in today’s corporatePodcast 140 world? What choices can employers make to support the mental and emotional health of their employees?

Hear Fred […]

Multi or Intergenerational? The Key to Successfully Maintaining Several Age Groups in One Work Setting – Part 2

A collaborative ethos will always prevail, as success is best achieved with a shared objective. Yet, at a time when several vastly differing generations are conjoining under one central workforce, how do we keep the focus on our common ground? Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, presents the […]

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and LinkedIn: Inside Secrets for Recruiters

Podcast Overview:

In what circumstance do AI sourcing tools benefit recruiters? Out of those available, which AI tools are most effective for recruiting? How can these tools be implemented alongside ATS and/or LinkedIn Recruiting services?

Podcast 222 - AI graphic

Fred […]

Multi or Intergenerational? The Key to Successfully Maintaining Several Age Groups in One Work Setting – Part 1

Podcast Overview:

We all know the inherent adage, “united, we stand; divided, we fall“. Success is best achieved with a shared objective. Yet, at a time when several vastly differing generations are conjoining under one central workforce, how do we keep the focus on our common […]

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