High-impact Interviews with senior executives, industry experts, and military leadership, addressing issues from multiple industries and the military. Keep scrolling down the page for more interviews. We welcome qualified guests. Write: podcasts@stewartcoopercoon.com.

220 – Over 50? Exploring your Ideal “Encore” Career – Stewart, #

What jobs might an over-50 job-seeker be looking for or be interested in as an “encore career?” What should mature job-seekers think about before embarking on this next chapter in their career? What available resources might an over-50 job-seeker use when researching “what to do […]

219 – Planning Your Move To The Second Job In Your Career – Stewart, #

You’ve been working at the first position in your career. Now, you want to find another lateral or upward career move. How do you articulate your professional experience on a resume that has clear value-add? What is the process for deciding lateral or upward mobility? […]

218 – First Time Job Seeker? What You Need To Know – Stewart, #

What do you need to know about your resume and other job search documents? What job listing and job opening research should you have ready and how do you find your first job using this information effectively? Fred Coon, CEO, Stewart, Cooper & Coon, interviews […]

113 – Converge or Collide: 4 Generations in the Workforce – Stewart, #

The distinctions among varying age groups are indeed more than just a label. What are the top two differences between Boomers, Gen Xers, Millennials, and Gen Z? Why do business leaders need to manage these generations differently?

Each generation is motivated differently. Their expectations of themselves, […]

217 – “Your Second Act” – At 55+ What’s Next? – Stewart, #

What might a person do in a second act that was meaningful, gave them a sense of well-being and help them financially? How are “Baby Boomers” repurposing corporate skills, working part-time, pursuing new passions or even starting a small business?

Today’s labor market is stretched, and […]

310 – Visualization of Commander’s Intent: Your Transition Mission — To What End? – Stewart, #

What are the five key words you now use to characterize the vision of your own transition? What is your mission? At SCC-Military-Transition-Training-1024x680the Pentagon, if it takes you one paragraph to state your mission intent, then it […]

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