What are some of the biggest mistakes frequently made in pitches and presentations? What is the maximum amount of time necessary to make an effective pitch?

Discover some actionable advice for taking the first steps at creating the perfect presentation.

Award-winning film director, veteran television producer,  and C-level sales and presentations coach, Brant Pinvidic, offers valuable insight and advice on the topic. With host, Fred Coon, CEO.

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About the Guest:

177 - Brant Pinvidic Credit Josh Klein

Brant Pinvidic is an award-winning film director, veteran television producer, C-level sales and presentations coach, keynote speaker, top-rated podcast host, and a columnist for Forbes. He has been named to the Hollywood Reporter’s 30 Most Powerful Reality TV Sellers and is widely recognized as one of the great creative sales leaders in Hollywood. He is best known for his popular television projects The Biggest Loser, Bar Rescue and Extreme Weight Loss.

Brant has taken the life, business, and storytelling lessons he’s developed during his Hollywood career and used them to uniquely bridge the entertainment industry and the business community. Through his journey, he has realized that weaving your most crucial points into a compelling, concise narrative structure can make or break your pitch, particularly with today’s “hyper-savvy” consumers. He shares the methods that have helped him sell projects and ideas in three minutes or less in his first book, The 3-Minute Rule: Say Less to Get More from Any Pitch or Presentation (Penguin Random House).

His endless energy, quest for adventure, and the 3-Minute Rule have helped make him one of the most sought after C-level consultants in the USA and abroad. He lives in Southern California with his wife and three children.

Learn more at Brant’s Official Website.


Fred Coon, CEO

Stewart, Cooper & Coon offers Human Capital Strategy Serviceto both individuals and corporations. Our staff is dedicated to our clients’ success via innovative job search processes, employment management strategies, and state-of-the-art technologies. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200

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