Six Signs That It’s Time to Quit Your Job – Stewart, #

While in most cases, the reasons for one individual to leave their current place of employment are generally subjective, there are a few circumstances that generally speak volumes when it comes to moving on from a particular job.

When asked “Should I quit my job?” career […]

Finding the Balance in Mandatory Overtime – Stewart, #

If you are a non-exempt employee who has worked beyond your decided weekly hours, those added hours are considered overtime; and are to be compensated at a higher rate than your regular hours.

At some point in your career, you will likely find yourself working overtime […]

The Key to Managing CEO Succession – Stewart, #

Among the most serious topics that can arise during the lifecycle of a business is the successful management of your C-Level personnel transitions.

It should well go without much elaboration that changing the head of a company (or any of its necessary departments) can lay the […]

Resigned to Resigning: The Proper Way to Leave Your Job – Stewart, #

As has been mentioned many times, the world is a new and different place. Unlike our parents’ or grandparents’ jobs, it’s almost unheard of for someone to spend their entire career with one employer.

Contemporary workers will frequently change companies within as little as three years. However, in a […]

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