by Richard Pope

When I started my own business 5 years ago – my cousin sent me a paperweight for my desk with an inscription on it that reads, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.” As an optimist I always believe that I can succeed at whatever I try or get involved in. With me, the glass is always in the full category whether it’s 25% full or 75% full – I believe in the upside – not the downside.

Too often, people get too serious about life and the role that they play. When that happens the fun disappears and the clouds come in and hide the sun – every day becomes a gray day. This shows up instantly in one’s demeanor and an interviewer will spot it immediately. The voice inflection, the lack of enthusiasm, the negative questions, the “I can’t take a joke” attitude – all of these things are negatives when it comes to a job search or an interview for a new opportunity. We have all heard the age old cliché – “attitude is everything”. That is true in life and it is true in business – “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re probably right.”

In my business, I interview people everyday, that have expressed interest in a franchise business opportunity. I can tell almost immediately whether or not they are serious or are simply going through a drill. I can also tell rather quickly whether or not they are franchise business owner material. Not everyone is cut out to be a business owner and in some cases it would be a disservice to both the franchisor as well as the prospective candidate if I agreed to introduce them to a company. This is also true of executive recruiters – if you have a gray cloud hanging over your head – the recruiter will know it soon enough and your chances of landing your dream job are not going to be that great.

My strong recommendation to anyone seeking employment or a new career as a business owner is to work on their attitude toward life and toward people. You can dissect any opportunity that comes your way and you can pretty much find what you are looking for – either negative or positive. An example of this would be a person who finds fault in a franchise company that has an exemplary track record with a couple of hundred successful franchisees, no turnover, and no litigation. The business may not be right for the candidate but there is certainly nothing wrong with it as attested to by its’ fantastic franchisee validation.

The moral of this story is to be open minded. Don’t be too quick to criticize, too quick to see the negatives over the positives, and too quick to make poor choices. Your personality is important to your success and to your future – your attitude is everything. Get serious about life and the beauty of it – as they say in the Star Wars Trilogy – “stay away from the dark side……..”