When it comes to achieving true success in any aspect of your life, one fact is consistently true: There is always a certain amount of sacrifice associated with the realization of great accomplishments. However, in certain cases, these sacrifices may simply be the act of letting go of preconceived notions or ideas in order to move forward with our aspirations.

The author of “Unmistakable: Why Only Is Better Than Best” and founder of “The Unmistakable Creative Podcast”, Srinivas Rao, has identified three concepts which are best disregarded when professional success is your ultimate goal.

Success target


1. Let go of others’ definitions of success.

The real meaning of success can manifest itself in various ways for different people.  In regard to other people’s definitions of success, Rao states, “While this is one of the most difficult things to give up because it’s so deeply embedded in our cultural narrative, it’s also incredibly liberating and ultimately leads to the fullest expression of [who] you are, and what matters to you”. You are the only person who must live with the aftereffects of your decisions, therefore, living according to your own principals and value system should be of utmost importance. Rao reminds readers, “By understanding the essence of our goals – what it is that we believe our achievements will bring us – it’s easier to give up other people’s expectations”.

2. Release your fear of judgment.

Feeling as though you must always provide others with an explanation for your plans and actions may actually sap you of your confidence and motivation. It’s crucial to remember that one individual’s path toward success will never be completely identical to that of another.  Rao reiterates, “Once you give up your fear of judgment, your ability to work changes quite drastically. You become more present, productive, and start to gather creative momentum. You focus on the process, not the prize, and you start to see progress toward the life you want to live”.

3. Free yourself of past baggage.

While it’s true that our history helps shape who we are, it’s also easy to remain trapped in a cycle of negative thoughts regarding our past. There comes a time in our lives where we must be confident in the fact that we have learned from our mistakes; and any resentments or grudges we may hold toward people or past situations must also be left behind. Rao points out, “When you give all that up, you end up ditching a lot of baggage. You walk through the world with a sense of lightness, peace, and freedom that makes its way into everything else that you do”.

Successful business people


The Takeaway

Without sacrificing or giving up antiquated ideas and pessimistic thought patterns, you are not allowing better and more promising opportunities to enter your life. It is up to you to identify your own idea of success and delineate the path and strategy that works specifically best for you.


Fred Coon, CEO 

Stewart, Cooper & Coon, has helped thousands of decision makers and senior executives move up in their careers and achieve significantly improved financial packages within short time frames. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200