Why is it difficult for people to give or receive feedback, and what are the best practices for good feedback in the workplace? How can we process negative or vague feedback in a useful way?
Workplace Conflict Management Expert, Lorraine Segal, answers these questions and more in this informative interview with Fred Coon, SC&C CEO.
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About the Guest:
Lorraine Segal, M.A. is a Conflict Management and Communication Consultant, Coach, and Trainer. At Sonoma State University, Lorraine leads the Conflict Management professional development certificate program. Through her business, Conflict Remedy, she works with individuals and organizations to promote harmonious and productive workplaces and relationships. She is a trained mediator, conflict coach, and diversity trainer.
With kindness and expertise, Lorraine offers insight and perspective to help leaders see organizational blind spots. She shares practical and spiritual tools to help clients gain clarity about the underlying issues and change their thinking and behavior, enabling them to heal seemingly intractable disagreements.
Lorraine has been named one of the top 30 Conflict Resolution experts to follow on LinkedIn. Her written interview, Giving Feedback: How to Be Honest without Being Hurtful recently went live on Authority Magazine. She is a contributing author to the anthology: Stand up, Speak Out against Workplace Bullying, and her guided visualization, Let go, Love, Forgive has had more than 51,000 plays on Insight Timer. Find her blog and more information about her services and writings at ConflictRemedy.com.
Stewart, Cooper & Coon offers Human Capital Strategy Services to both individuals and corporations. Our staff is dedicated to our clients’ success via innovative job search processes, employment management strategies, and state-of-the-art technologies. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200
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