What are some ways that business owners can encourage and incorporate age-diversity in work culture? What are some of the reasons that ageism in the workplace exists in the first place? Why should companies be more open-minded and inclusive of all age groups? What can seniors and mature workers do to stay relevant and show their value in the workplace?

Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, interviews Danielle K. Roberts, owner of a multi-million dollar business, Boomer Benefits, in Ft. Worth, TX. The company has an employee age-range of 21 to 65! In this special podcast edition, Danielle discusses how she manages multiple generations to achieve maximum harmony and profit.

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About the Guest:

132 - Danielle RobertsDanielle K. Roberts is a Medicare Supplement Accredited Advisor, member of the Forbes Finance Council, and co-founder of Boomer Benefits located in Fort Worth, TX. Her award-winning agency is licensed and appointed in 47 states and has helped tens of thousands of Medicare beneficiaries understand their benefits since 2004. Since starting her agency 14 years ago, she and her brother have grown their agency into a multi-million-dollar company that employs workers of all ages. They were recently awarded the 2019 Health Insurance Advisory Firm of the Year Award by Finance Monthly.

Connect with Danielle via LinkedIn.

Visit her company website.



Fred Coon, CEO

Stewart, Cooper & Coon offers Human Capital Strategy Serviceto both individuals and corporations. Our staff is dedicated to our clients’ success via innovative job search processes, employment management strategies, and state-of-the-art technologies. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200