Podcast Overview:

At a time when most companies have finally begun to figure out and accept millennials in the workplace, the next generation — Generation Z — has already emerged. In fact, those born after 1995 have already started earning their Gen Z Podcastway into today’s workforce.

Gen Z is 23-million strong:  and 60% of this particular cohort is seeking leadership development and view themselves as future leaders. Fifty-four percent of them wish to increase their technical skills, 34% want more financial skills (they are interested in saving money), and 30% desire more education and technology development.

Consequently, what does Gen Z actually value in the workplace?  They are known to be rabid multi-taskers, so how can managers effectively lead them to achieve company goals?

In this podcast, Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, interviews Senior Operations / Business Strategy Executive and multi-generational expert, Kathy Gamboa, on how business leaders can increase their understanding of generational differences and better approach employees of all ages.

About the Guest:

Kathy Gamboa is an experienced Senior Operations and Business Strategy Executive. As Vice President of Market Kathy GamboaTransformation for the Apollo Group, an international operation supporting a virtual environment and 29 locations in major metropolitan cities with more than 1,000 employees serving more than 100,000 customers, she collaborated with sales, product support, financial operations, and product development to build and apply strategy for process improvement, development, and had P&L oversight.

Kathy is also an expert in working with multi-generational groups within organizations to make sure each distinct group has their needs and drivers recognized and managed effectively. She has been responsible for improved customer retention, multi-state operations sales, product development, customer support, and financial operations, and has extensive experience in customer care and managing larger call centers operations that produce results.

Fred Coon, CEO

At SC&C we offer Career Analysis to help senior decision-makers from all walks of life identify strategies and tactics to increase their value-add employment potential.