By: Fred Coon, Chairman, CEO

Sometimes it comes to this. When you are courting dozens of companies and sending a consistent string of resumes that would stretch leagues if lined end to end, you get to a point where you decide to do something drastic to get a break. Here are 5 such unorthodox tips for getting your foot in the door.

#1. Throw yourself into your work.

The temptation when you are on the job hunt is to pull back from work to turn your focus on landing this new job. However, remember often times the most attractive candidates are those who are passively seeking employment. You will definitely need to allocate time specifically for search-related activities. You will also need to iron out some time to engage both in person and online with others in your industry.

#2. Present a consistent brand.

If you let social media taglines tell it, everyone is some sort of expert, guru or professional. You can blame Seth Godin if you want, but in order to stand apart from the sea of other experts, you will have to create a brand that offers something more than years of experience and a gray suit. And that brand, from top to bottom, will have to emit a single cohesive message across multiple social platforms.

#3. Be referral-worthy.

The previous two tips are used to make this one a viable strategy. No matter how snazzy your resume, how pointed your wit, or how fantastic your history, you’re nobody till somebody refers you. Referral is still the top method many companies use for hiring new candidates. In order to be referral-worthy, you have to encompass the previous two suggestions as well as socialize so those who would refer you know you’re in the market for a new position.

#4. Get radical.

Sometimes a resume with a QR code in the upper right corner or an invitation to meet delivered on the bottom of a brand new shoe (see Complete the Pair) is not a bad idea. It may be unorthodox, perhaps even downright peculiar, but it won’t cause your name to immediately be forgotten once your resume is out of the recruiter’s hand.

#5. Become fanatical about preparation.

The original name of this section was “Prepare abundantly before” but that really doesn’t capture the spirit I want you to have about being prepared. It is easier to get your foot in a door if you know the actual location of the door. Once you do, there is no time, room or tolerance for “Uhs,” “Not sures,” and the ever so impotent, “Let me check and get back to you in a day or two.”

Become fanatical about your mission to align yourself with certain companies. Know their histories, their plans for the future and where you fit into that vision. Most of this information can be found just by conducting a few searches on the company website, in trade magazines and online. It means knowing the likely cast of characters who will play a part in deciding your fate and finding out what you can about them so you have the best chance of knowing how to handle the interview.

These are just a few tips to get you off the hamster wheel and into a more active role guiding your efforts and taking a chance here or there.