A significant portion of the farm’s profits were spent on harvesting costs. These expenses equated to $1.20 per pound on a 1.5-million-pound berry crop. However, the owners at the time had always done things this way, and were not receptive to change.
Tim took it upon himself to conduct extensive research, analyzing all aspects of the operations. He developed calculations and created charts and graphs to demonstrate the pros and cons of mechanically harvesting fruit.

Tim Campbell, Senior Operations & Project Management Executive
“I visited other farms across the country and spoke with farmers who had implemented mechanical harvesting into their farming organizations. When I presented my full documented ideas, the bosses bought in and agreed to test an implementation of the new process.”
The farm purchased two mechanical harvesters that year and immediately began seeing the benefits. Under Tim’s direction, the farm moved from 0% machine harvested product to 60% machine harvested product. The new equipment reduced harvesting expenses by 90%. Within three years, the plan is to machine harvest 80% of the farm’s berries, which is projected to save $3 million in annual costs, and has become the driving force in the continuance of farming berries in the State of Florida.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Tim Campbell via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
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See also: viewpoint, experts, interviews, solving, problems, workplace, topics, focused, decision, executive placement, executive search