Supply Chain Managers, also Logisticians, have a very positive and expanding job outlook for the next several years, according to a recent survey from Software Advice. Their study covered job listings for this position from 200 various firms and industries and found these major companies are seeking articulate, detailed-oriented, intelligent candidates to oversee their global supply chains.
Candidate Characteristics
There were three major key areas that the surveyed firms are seeking in Supply Chain Manager candidates.
Years of Experience
Employers are looking for individuals with at least 4‒7 years of experience. As the graph below illustrates, less than 10 percent of postings mentioned 1‒3 years of experience.
Many of the job listings in the survey require a Bachelor’s Degree or higher as well as advanced software skills. Employers are looking for those who majored in supply chain management or business during their undergraduate or graduate studies. In addition, the position requires specific knowledge of particular software packages, as shown in the chart below.
Over one-third of the job listings analyzed listed field certifications as an aspect for potential candidates. American Production and Inventory Control Society (APICS) and Institute for Supply Management (ISM) were two certifications listed specifically in many of the postings.
Supply Chain Managers must contain a unique set of skills, as discussed above. These three key areas are not the only candidate attributes that the studied firms are looking for. Individuals currently in these positions or looking to transition into the sector should also possess excellent communication skills, work well with all people, and be willing to travel.
Stewart, Cooper & Coon has helped many job seekers secure well-compensated, high-level positions. Submit your resume now to have it evaluated and see how SC&C can manage your job search and connect with us through our LinkedIn page.
*Data Source and Use Notifications Data Source and Use Notifications: The Job Listings Analysis: Supply Chain Manager IndustryView, 2014 was generated by No person, company or entity may sell, transfer or assign the report or any of the data provided in same to any third party without the express written authorization of Stewart, Cooper & Coon. No person, company or entity may remove or modify any branding, marks, copyright or trademark notices, or any other notices or disclaimers set forth in any of this data or report without Stewart, Cooper and Coon prior written consent, or otherwise modify the data or the contents of this data or this report in any way so as to falsely or otherwise misrepresent its content. Data and graphs supplied by Software Advice.