Due to traditionally high turnover in the service department, many newly hired advisors lacked experience filing claims. They often needed and required immediate assistance. The company objective of rapid delivery was not working, and processing was painfully slow.
“I developed a digital onboarding tool. This provided detailed screenshots of each step in the claim-processing procedure and guided novice advisors in how to input the required information in the proper manner.”

Rachel Womack, Senior Technology /IT Executive
Rachael gained insight into individual training needs as she reviewed each person’s initial interactions with the program. She followed this with careful analysis and delivered one-on-one coaching during scheduled visits to clarify operations and smooth out the usage of the portal.
“I was pleased that the success of the instrument encouraged colleagues to seek advice and direction on how to bring new hires up to speed more promptly. Access to the self-training program increased recruits’ confidence in managing the job. This allowed more time for representatives to devote to high-impact projects.”
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Rachel Womack via LinkedIn or her Career WebFolio.
ViewPoint© is a production of The US AT Work Network© and Stewart, Cooper & Coon, a Human Capital Strategies Corporation. Contact: Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200, for more information.
© 2004-2023 Stewart, Cooper, & Coon, Inc. All rights reserved. Limited to personal use and allowable only if this copyright message is left intact. Any duplication, alteration, or publishing of this content without express company permission is prohibited. Contact fcoon@stewartcoopercoon.com.
See also: viewpoint, experts, interviews, solving, problems, workplace, topics, focused, decision, executive placement, executive search