What is cultural agility, and how do we develop it? How does cultural agility relate to unconscious bias?
Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, discusses these questions and more with esteemed author and business professor, Dr. Paula Caligiuri.
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About the Guest:
Dr. Paula Caligiuri is a D’Amore-McKim School of Business Distinguished Professor of International Business at Northeastern University, and lives in Boston, Massachusetts.
She has been named as one of the most prolific authors in international business for her work in cross-cultural management, global leadership development, and cultural agility. She is president of TASCA Global, a consulting firm that specializes in assessing and developing culturally agile professionals and boasts a client list that includes the U.S. Army, Peace Corps, Cigna, 3M, and Johnson & Johnson.
She is a frequent expert guest on CNN and CNN International and author of the LinkedIn Learning course “Managing Globally.”
Her new book is Build Your Cultural Agility: The Nine Competencies of Successful Global Professionals (Kogan Page; March 30, 2021). Learn more at TASCAglobal.com and myGiide.com.
Watch full video interview below.
Dr. Paula Caligiuri can be contacted via LinkedIn (@PaulaCaligiuri). For more information, visit her Official Website.
Fred Coon, CEO
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