As a start-up “SpeedyPrep”, part of Online Educational Programs (OEP), suite of test prep and certification programs, was rated the #1 test prep for high school students preparing for college by the industry’s leading advocate.
A niche existed in the home-school (HOS) market for offering test prep study materials online that helped prepare students for the tests of “credit-by-exam”, also known as “testing out” programs that award college credits for knowledge and skills acquired through other than traditional classroom attendance. However, the inherent skepticism of home-schooling parents inhibited acceptance of a new company’s product.

Jeff Rogers, Senior Enterprise Leadership Executive
OEP framed the marketing program around trade-show attendance, on-line chat rooms, directed digital marketing, contributions to trade show publications, connecting with leading HOS voices and the occasional direct advertising.
“OEP invited key market participants and randomly selected families (40) to try the product for free in exchange for an honest assessment of the quality, ease of use and value along with a competitive comparison. All 40 reviewers gave highly positive appraisals, some that qualified as mini novels”, Rogers said.
The industry’s leading publication “The Old Schoolhouse” featured the service in a four-page article. The community’s premier advocacy organization (The Home School Legal Defense Fund) named the program the #1 one test-prep product for high schoolers. As credibility and trust rose among prospects, revenues grew to levels that ensured a successful start-up.
“HOS do not often have access or knowledge of dual-credit classes, scholarships, or other types of funding to help them reach their educational goals that the traditional high school student does”, Rogers said. These test credits are accepted at 92% of all colleges and universities in the US, they will reduce the time needed to complete your degree significantly and save an individual THOUSANDS on tuition. “This can all be accomplished in as little as 1-2 months, on your time and discretion, and you never step on campus or in the classroom. Many have saved as much as $12,000 on tuition and earned 30 credit hours toward the required 120 to graduate”, Rogers said.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Jeff Rogers via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
Fred Coon, CEO
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