I believe building a culture around solving problems, execution, and partnerships enables growth. Teamwork and communication are vital to ensure the right customer challenges are being solved. Making your customers’ priorities your own and having a passion for their success is critical. Understanding your customers’ needs takes time, multiple discussions, and a partnership built on trust. Nurturing a culture with a relentless focus on your customers drives lasting value.
For example, at Rolls-Royce, we developed prognostic health monitoring technologies to fulfill the customer’s vision of zero scheduled maintenance for the F35 fighter. The technology embedded on the F35 provides a step change in fighter jet operability. Similarly, at Fairbanks Morse Defense, we worked closely with the Navy, to support the urgent need for higher availability of ships. Through improved planning, we reduced spare part lead times by 50% and doubled our field service capacity delivering critical maintenance activities faster.

Jamie McMullin, Program Management Expert
Recognizing future demands, we went even further and developed AI-driven, augmented reality robotic maintenance solutions that will assist sailors today and support future uncrewed platforms. At Leonardo DRS, we developed more power-dense electric solutions addressing customer needs for advanced stealth capabilities, greater efficiency, and performance. All these developments needed significant investment. Solving the right and most urgent customer problem was paramount. Making correct investment decisions requires close collaboration, trust, and a passion to support your customers’ missions.
I have always believed that a holistic, business-wide approach is essential for long-term success. All aspects of a business such as culture, people, operations, supply chain, and marketing need alignment with a well-defined strategic focus. But the most important piece is great two-way communication. Growth always requires change and achieving deep organizational understanding of the goals, priorities, and ongoing performance empowers teams to react quickly with better decision-making.
There’s work and then there is “work” with a smile. I receive joy from seeing friends and colleagues be successful. I have been fortunate to work with amazing people on incredibly impactful projects. Learning from each other and sharing the whole experience is what makes it special.
Watch Full Video Interview Below.
Contact Jamie McMullin via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
Published by: Fred Coon, CEO
ViewPoint© is a production of The US AT Work Network© and Stewart, Cooper & Coon, a Human Capital Strategies Corporation. Contact: Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200, for more information.
© 2004-2023 Stewart, Cooper, & Coon, Inc. All rights reserved. Limited to personal use and allowable only if this copyright message is left intact. Any duplication, alteration, or publishing of this content without express company permission is prohibited. Contact fcoon@stewartcoopercoon.com.
See also: viewpoint, experts, interviews, solving, problems, workplace, topics, focused, decision, executive placement, executive search