How might mental health challenges affect work performance? Do employees at all levels present with the same symptoms of impaired mental health? What steps can employers take to support mental well-being in its employees? Fred Coon, SC&C CEO, interviews Dr. Nicole Washington on working with high-profile clients to help them to identify their issues, realize how those issues manifest themselves in the workplace, as well as some approaches to managing them successfully.

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About the Guest:

Dr Nicole Washington - 144Dr. Nicole Washington is a board-certified psychiatrist and Chief Medical Officer of Elocin Psychiatric Services, a practice that focuses on the mental health needs of physicians and other high performers with mental health disorders who are typically not seeking treatment due to stigma or busy schedules. Through her practice, the Amazon best-selling book, From Introspection to Action: The High-Level Professional’s 28 Day Journey to Improving Mental Healthand a recently launched podcast, The C-Suite Confidant, she hopes to break down some of the barriers to receiving treatment that this population faces as well as engage listeners in topics relevant to the busy professional. She is a sought after speaker on a variety of mental health topics and enjoys working with corporate leadership on organizational behavioral health initiatives to create environments that are supportive of the mental well-being of their employees in order to maximize productivity and decrease turnover.

Connect with Dr. Nicole via email or connect on LinkedIn.



Fred Coon, CEO

Stewart, Cooper & Coon offers Human Capital Strategy Serviceto both individuals and corporations. Our staff is dedicated to our clients’ success via innovative job search processes, employment management strategies, and state-of-the-art technologies. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200