Apache Egypt was composed of an exploration organization and two joint venture partnerships with nine different teams that were working in an uncoordinated manner. The team’s goals, strategies, and workflows were not well aligned, resulting in suboptimal performance. The commercial team was successful in creating a single joint venture was created as part of a modernization effort for the joint venture partnerships and production licenses which required a staffing reorganization.
“I first proposed a subsurface director role under the general manager to oversee all geoscience and reservoir engineering managers and staff,” said Senior Business Development Executive, Eric Vosburgh.

Eric Vosburgh, Senior Business Development Executive
“Under the director, I built two teams containing the geology, geophysics, and reservoir engineering personnel beneath a single manager. I also created Shared Services and assigned them to the exploration and development teams, as required. I then integrated staff into the single exploration and development teams (versus mirrored teams within each company). My next move was to create a mirror database as the workspace for all in-country and U.S. teams to work on the projects,” said Vosburgh.
Today there is a streamlined organization that effectively shares workflows and data under a well-defined leadership team and sets the strategy to reach the joint venture’s mutually agreed upon goals. Additionally, the new organization allows for a timelier reallocation of staff when there are changes to the strategy and capital allocations. Lastly, the staff reports feeling happier with the organization as it allows them to collaborate better and share their experiences.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Eric Vosburgh via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
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See also: viewpoint, experts, interviews, solving, problems, workplace, topics, focused, decision, executive placement, executive search