Medical and Health Expert, Dr. James Elsey, Professor of Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina, and past Vice-Chairman of the Board of Regents at the American College of Surgeons meets for this fourth and final series installment with Fred Coon, Chairman, Stewart, Cooper & Coon, to discuss what practical solutions are required to repair our healthcare system.
There are no easy answers, but we as Americans must now, more than ever, muster the courage to make these changes and save our country from financial ruin. In the worst case of our current trajectory, we will wind up with no healthcare for those that can’t afford it and a system that caters only to the financially well-off, shortages of skilled labor, and other maladies we are yet to face.

James K. Elsey,
President | Board Member
Watch “Part 1 – The Broken Healthcare System, An Overview”.
Watch “Part 2 – The Broken Healthcare System, What’s Wrong?”.
Watch “Part 3 – The Broken Healthcare System, How Did It Get So Broken?”.
Courage is required. Can America sum up enough courage to act swiftly, bravely, and smartly to halt this near-future disaster that is fast upon us?
Watch Full Video Interview Below.
Contact Dr. James Elsey via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
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