Medical and Health expert, Dr. James Elsey, Professor of Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina, and past Vice-Chairman of the Board of Regents at the American College of Surgeons sits down again with Fred Coon, Chairman of Stewart, Cooper & Coon, this time to discuss what is wrong with the American Health System. The items discussed in this Part 2 of our four-part series identify the major issues that must be addressed before this terribly broken system can begin to be fixed.
Watch “Part 1 – The Broken Healthcare System, An Overview”.

Dr. James Elsey, Professor of Surgery at the Medical University of South Carolina
We hope you have begun to realize that this is not a new concept: Healthcare is not a fanciful commodity that one can take or leave. It is an absolute essential need for everyone in America — no matter who they are — and the system is failing us. Our current American healthcare system is one that improves the lives of the very few while robbing the majority of our country’s citizens of health, economic security, and the constitutional right to life, liberty, and “the pursuit of happiness.”
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Dr. James Elsey via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
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