A partner’s flying squadron’s engine-maintenance databases required cleansing, updating, and organization. Compounding this was the fact that they had a mission-essential personnel gap for two years. When the position was finally filled, the new hire was inexperienced, untrained, and overburdened with the new role.
“I decided that the first step was to perform a data analysis, a root cause investigation. My approach was to gather all records for 3+ years of previous maintenance history in order to fully understand the previous system breakdowns.

Christopher Newman, Senior Strategy & Operations Improvement Executive
“This wound up being a whopping 450 million lines of information. I knew that this amount of data was too large for one person, so I selected and pulled together a team of six experts to assist me.
“Doing this, cut the solution time to three months and applied corrective actions that recovered approximately 400 fly hours for the unit with a cash equivalent of $11 million over five years,” said Newman.
Chris’s effort exponentially improved confidence in the engine maintenance history and saved the company $2.5 million in parts and labor.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Chris Newman via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
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See also: viewpoint, experts, interviews, solving, problems, workplace, topics, focused, decision, executive placement, executive search