After years of neglect, much of the redundant equipment within the boiler room was failing, causing significant flooding. With this happening frequently, many other pieces of equipment began to fail. Overall, this caused issues for the remainder of the hospital and the inability for some departments to function properly. Additionally, in some cases, attention to regulatory standards were being overlooked due to the frequent failures.

Brian Sieger, Senior Facilities Director
While educating the facilities staff on the importance of taking care of the hospital equipment so that the other departmental staff can have a less stressful work environment and focus on the quality of care for the patients, Brian Sieger and his team worked to find the root of the many issues. A plan was developed by focusing on high impact to low impact framework of equipment throughout the hospital. The Senior Facilities Director and his team worked with contractors and in-house staff to assemble schedules and pricing. The plan needed to be flexible enough to allow for changes since many of the systems had not been fully operations in some time which led to the assumption that additional issue areas would be discovered.
Within six months, most of the issues had been identified, many of them repaired with several redundancies back online. However, with supply chain issues and cost controls, there was still a long-range plan of several years to get all redundancies online. The team successfully worked through the issues to dry out the boiler room and develop a plan that would flex enough to maintain the goals of working equipment as well as an enjoyable and safe working environment.
As systems were restored, overtime for the department decreased by 95%, saving $3,000 per month. Operations could continue on weekends which had not happened in some time, increasing operations income by an additional 30%. Within the last two years, by creating this improved working environment, the emergency room and imaging department has increased servicing time and volume by 52.6%.
Watch full video interview below.
Contact Brian Sieger via LinkedIn or his Career WebFolio.
Fred Coon, CEO
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