What are the best leadership styles for the three generations of employees in the U.S.?
To summarize, those three generations are the Baby Boomers (leaving the workforce at 10,000 persons daily); Gen X (those born between 1965 and 1979) who comprise a large portion of leadership and upper level managerial positions, often managing those older and younger than themselves; and Gen Y (Millennials) who currently make up the largest percentage of the workforce.
In this podcast HR/Education/Leadership expert, Steve Cates meets with host, Fred Coon, SC&C CEO to discusses generational leadership styles, with an emphasis on the often ‘forgotten’ Gen X who have been holding steady in the workforce for quite some time.
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About the Guest:
Steven Cates serves as a faculty member for graduate programs in the School of Business and Information Technology. He is also a course lead, continually creating and revising graduate courses. He has worked professionally in a number of Fortune 100 organizations in human resources (HR) management at the local and corporate levels and has held HR management positions with Kroehler Manufacturing Company, Miller Brewing Company, Wilsonart International, and Equity Group. In addition, he was the director of HR management for Forsyth Technical Community College prior to becoming assistant professor and department chair for the School of Business at Averett University. Cates has authored over 100 publications in the field of HR management and marketing and served on dissertation committees.
Education: DBA, NOVA Southeastern University; MBA, Northern Illinois University; BS, University of North Carolina
Steven can be reached via Email.
Stewart, Cooper & Coon offers Human Capital Strategy Services to both individuals and corporations. Our staff is dedicated to our clients’ success via innovative job search processes, employment management strategies, and state-of-the-art technologies. Contact Fred Coon – 866-883-4200, Ext. 200
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